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∑ = č²(0)1

by Kalishwar Das

‘ is Entirety, expressed as ‘Hat-C Squared’ (č²) to denote an infinite speed, achieved in zero time (0), to create a unique infinite cosmic void which is a Divine immovable (1) in reality!

Entirety is the totality of existence, encompassing all that is, was, and potentially could be, both before and beyond the Big Bang.

Entirety Unlike Universe

The Theory of Entirety© as its name suggests, encompasses the entirety of creation—both visible and invisible, spanning all ages and dimensions, known and unknown. This groundbreaking work explores the interplay between faster-than-light phenomena and singularity, presenting a unified nature of the infinite cosmos in which our universe is exponentially expanding. To express this profound concept, the book introduces two aspects of a revolutionary formula, both extending beyond Einstein’s energy equation of E=mc². In contrast to this, Entirety is basically explained as E = č²(0) =1 ∝ ∞. This notation encapsulates the idea of entirety as a singular, indivisible entity that includes all cosmic phenomena achieved in no time consumed ever (0).

This equation can be expressed two aspects to provide same valuable perspectives on its core concept:

[I] E = č²(0) ∝ ∞: This equation emphasizes the timelessness and the instantaneous aspect of the entirety. By incorporating “zero time,” it suggests that the state of entirety is achieved without any temporal duration, highlighting a key aspect of the infinite and eternal nature of the cosmos. This perspective aligns well with the idea of Entirety being beyond the constraints of time and space.

[II] E = č²1 ∝ ∞: This equation emphasizes the singularity and indivisibility of the cosmic void. By using “1” to represent the unique cosmic void, it underscores the foundational and unified nature of the entirety. This perspective aligns well with the idea of Entirety as a singular, unified entity encompassing all cosmic phenomena. Unlike the Universe, Entirety is infinite, indivisible, cannot be added with anything, cannot be reduced in any manner, nor can be multiplied or is non-multipliable, meaning the conventional mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication, which are applicable in empirical mathematics, are inapplicable when dealing with the Entirety. The Entirety is absolute, represented by the cosmic void as “1”, encompassing everything within it. This characteristic emphasizes the uniqueness and singularity of the Entirety, setting it apart from the finite and measurable universe.

Closer to the Concept of Entirety

Given that Entirety encompasses both the timeless nature and the singular, indivisible state, E = č²(0) ∝ ∞ might be slightly closer to the concept of Entirety as it captures the essential idea of being beyond time, which is a fundamental characteristic of an infinite and unified cosmos. This equation highlights the instantaneous aspect of achieving this state, resonating with the notion of Entirety as a state that transcends temporal and spatial limitations. However, both equations together provide a comprehensive understanding of Entirety, incorporating both its timelessness and its foundational singularity. They complement each other in expressing the full scope of the concept so in the book, both aspects have been explained gradually.

Proposing this unique equation marks a significant advancement in modern physics for several reasons:

1. It provides tangible substantiation of spiritual statements.

2. It redefines the universe as a smaller unit within the entirety.

3. It confirms the existence of an outer cosmic phenomenon.

4. It extends Einstein’s energy equation, breaking its previous limits.

5. It offers exceptional insights into the concept of the Cosmic Void


…and much more, but where the Core Ideas of The Theory of Entirety© are :


1. The universe is part of a larger, unified, and infinite entity called the Entirety.

2. Everything within the Entirety is interconnected, forming a single, indivisible whole.

3. The Entirety is timeless, existing beyond the limitations of time and space.

4. The cosmic void is not just empty space, but a fundamental aspect of the Entirety, representing its singularity and indivisibility.


The Theory of Entirety© thus explores the profound mysteries of existence. It bridges the gap between science and spirituality, offering innovative perspectives on the nature of the cosmos. For more information and to follow this groundbreaking work, visit author’s personal website at http://kalishwardas.com

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