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∑ = č²(0)1

by Kalishwar Das

‘ is Entirety, expressed as ‘Hat-C Squared’ (č²) to denote an infinite speed, achieved in zero time (0), to create a unique infinite cosmic void which is a Divine immovable (1) in reality!

Entirety is the totality of existence, encompassing all that is, was, and potentially could be, both before and beyond the Big Bang.

Rationale on The Theory of Entirety

Detailed Rationale for the Theory of Entirety:
Core Proposition

The Theory of Entirety proposes that the outer layer of the universe may be expanding at a speed faster than light within the framework of Entirety. This theory does not oppose or challenge the existing laws of modern physics; instead, it suggests a state beyond the universe’s limits where these laws may or may not fully apply as currently understood.

Key Concepts

Instantaneous Achievement: The idea that Entirety (E) is achieved instantaneously (in zero time) aligns with the concept of a state existing beyond the constraints of time. This supports the notion that Entirety is an ever-present, timeless state, embodying an unchanging and absolute nature.

Absolute Stagnancy: Describing Entirety as a state of absolute stagnancy implies it is unchanging and immovable. This notion is consistent with the idea that the ultimate reality or cosmos is constant and stable, not subject to the dynamic changes observed within the universe.

Unique, Indivisible Cosmic Void: The term “unique, indivisible cosmic void” suggests a fundamental, unalterable state underlying all existence. This aligns with the concept of a singular, all-encompassing reality forming the basis of everything in the cosmos.

Expansion at Faster than Light Speed (č²): Proposing that the universe may be expanding at a speed exceeding that of light (č²) introduces a groundbreaking idea challenging current scientific understanding. Here, the notion is that the universe’s expansion is not limited by the speed of light, so it “may be” expanding faster than light within the infinite space of Entirety. This proposes a scenario where the universe’s expansion is not constrained by the speed of light, indicating an exceptional state within the context of Entirety.

Clarification of Cosmic Void

The concept of the cosmic void in the Theory of Entirety differs from the empirical scientific understanding. In empirical science, a cosmic void refers to large, empty regions of space with very low matter density. In the Theory of Entirety, the cosmic void is an achieved state of absolute stagnancy, which is timeless. This cosmic void represents a foundational singularity within Entirety, wherein the concept of universal cosmic voids can exist within empirical understanding.

Timeless Nature: The cosmic void is a state achieved instantaneously (in zero time), symbolizing the timeless nature of Entirety.
Foundational Singularity: The void represents a unique, indivisible state, signifying the fundamental singularity of Entirety.
Empirical Integration: Within this cosmic void, the empirical concept of universal voids can exist, bridging the gap between empirical science and the broader framework of Entirety.
Mathematical Representation
The equation E = č²(0)1 succinctly encapsulates the Theory of Entirety. Here::
E represents Entirety.
č² denotes an infinite speed, faster than light.
(0) indicates zero time, emphasizing instantaneous achievement.
1 represents the unique, indivisible cosmic void, highlighting the foundational singularity of Entirety.

This equation inherently implies an infinite nature through its components and their interpretation. The idea of an instantaneous, infinite speed and a unique cosmic void encapsulates the concept of an all-encompassing, infinite entirety without needing to explicitly state it.

Counterarguments and Rebuttals

Scientific Consistency: Current cosmological theories, based on empirical evidence, do not support the notion of faster-than-light expansion within the framework of general relativity. However, the Theory of Entirety extends beyond the empirical confines of the universe, suggesting a broader framework where these laws may not fully apply.

Observable Evidence: Absolute stagnancy of entirety may seem philosophical or hypothetical, but within the larger concept of the cosmic void of entirety, this stagnancy becomes evident. This is because there cannot be a state where the universe is expanding within another expanding entity and so on; therefore, entirety must exist for the universe to exist with all its known and unknown phenomena like the Big Bang, black holes, empirical cosmic voids, quantum fluctuations, etc.

Redefinition of Terms: The term “cosmic void” in the Theory of Entirety is redefined to bridge the gap between scientific and philosophical interpretations, ensuring clarity and coherence. This redefinition integrates the empirical understanding of voids with the broader concept of a foundational singularity within Entirety.

The Theory of Entirety offers a comprehensive framework that integrates scientific principles with a broader, more inclusive understanding of the cosmos. It suggests that the universe’s expansion may exceed the speed of light within the infinite space of Entirety, a concept that extends beyond the current empirical limits. This theory does not challenge the laws of physics but proposes a state where these laws may not fully apply, providing a new perspective on the nature of existence. The redefinition of the cosmic void as an absolute, timeless state bridges the gap between empirical science and the broader framework of Entirety, offering profound insights into the nature of the cosmos.


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