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∑ = č²(0)1

by Kalishwar Das

‘ is Entirety, expressed as ‘Hat-C Squared’ (č²) to denote an infinite speed, achieved in zero time (0), to create a unique infinite cosmic void which is a Divine immovable (1) in reality!

Entirety is the totality of existence, encompassing all that is, was, and potentially could be, both before and beyond the Big Bang.

Is Universe A Supermassive Black Hole?

Supermassive Black Hole?

The universe, with all its mysteries and wonders, has always sparked the human imagination. Recently, a fascinating speculation has emerged: What if our entire universe is actually a supermassive black hole? This idea, while intriguing, is still a topic of debate and far from being a definitive answer to the nature of our cosmos.

At the heart of this speculation lies the concept of a black hole, a region in space where gravity is so intense that nothing—not even light—can escape. The idea that our universe might be one colossal black hole challenges conventional cosmology and raises many questions. However, it’s important to remember that this idea is still speculative, a thought-provoking hypothesis rather than a proven fact.

From my perspective, I see this speculation as part of the ongoing journey to understand our universe. But it’s also essential to recognize that our current understanding of such phenomena is still evolving. We lack the concrete evidence needed to fully validate or refute the idea of the universe as a supermassive black hole.

Even if one day we find substantial evidence supporting this notion, it wouldn’t alter the fundamental principles of my Theory of Entirety. The Theory of Entirety is a comprehensive framework that goes beyond individual cosmic events or entities. It encompasses the totality of existence—the entirety of everything, known and unknown. This means that no matter how massive or mysterious the speculated black hole might be, it would still be just one aspect of the broader concept of Entirety.

Entirety, as I propose it, is by nature greater than any single phenomenon within it. Whether our universe is a supermassive black hole or the outcome of the Big Bang, these ideas remain part of the vast scope of Entirety. This theory asserts that Entirety cannot be smaller or lesser than anything within it, no matter how grand or complex that entity may appear.

While the speculation that our universe might be a supermassive black hole is intriguing, it’s crucial to distinguish between imaginative theories and established scientific knowledge. My Theory of Entirety stands firm, unaffected by such speculations, because it inherently includes all possibilities within its scope. As we continue to explore and learn about our universe, it’s vital to maintain an open mind, grounded in rational thought, and to welcome new ideas as part of the endless pursuit of knowledge.

This is my initial reflection on the recent speculation, and I plan to expand upon it as more insights become available. For now, I encourage thoughtful dialogue within the scientific community, with the understanding that our quest for understanding is ongoing and ever-evolving.

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