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E = č²(0)1

by Kalishwar Das

E‘ is Entirety in physical domain which can be expressed as ‘Hat-C Squared’ (č²), –symbolizing in infinite spatial expansion bound to zero time (0), This state renders a cosmic void that paradoxically holds a unique value of one (1) representing Divinity as an immovable physical reality from where nothing can escape.

Entirety is the totality of existence, encompassing all that is, was, and potentially could be, both before and beyond the Big Bang.

A Journey Beyond the Big Bang

The Boundless Creation of the Entirety: A Journey Beyond the Big Bang

People’s thinking is boundless, like time and space. A young man asked me a good question: If you know entirety so closely, then you must be knowing where the Big Bang happened? To answer this intriguing question, I asked him: Can you imagine the scene if you open your eyes within an anticipated entirety? He was not able to answer this, so I had to. This thread on where the Big Bang happened or is happening starts with an elaboration on what you would see if you were in the middle of the entirety.

Visualizing the Entirety {∑=č²(0)¹}

Imagine opening your eyes in the midst of the entirety. You would not see an empty void or vast stretches of darkness. Instead, you would be immersed in an infinite field of glowing spheres, each representing a universe. These spheres are not isolated entities; they are part of a boundless, interconnected web, filling every corner of your vision.

The entirety is not a static collection of universes but a dynamic, living system. Each sphere—or universe—is in a state of perpetual expansion, its boundaries ever so subtly diluting into the surrounding space. This dilution is so marginal that it’s almost imperceptible, yet it plays a crucial role in the grand scheme of existence. This gradual thinning of boundaries creates the necessary space for new universes to emerge, without disrupting the harmony of the whole.

No Void, Only Continuous Creation:

In this scene, the concept of empty space loses its meaning. There is no void, no gaps between the universes. The entirety is fully occupied, with universes overlapping and interacting with each other. The boundaries between them are blurred, suggesting that while each universe is unique, they are all part of a greater, unified existence.

As you observe this cosmic dance, you would notice that the creation of new universes is a constant, ongoing process. The delicate balance between expansion and dilution ensures that there is always room for new realities to emerge. This continuous creation challenges the traditional notion of a singular Big Bang as the beginning of everything. Instead, it suggests an endless cycle of birth, growth, and evolution.

Nested Creations: The Birth of New Universes

Now, let’s explore the idea of where a Big Bang could happen within this entirety. Unlike the traditional view, which sees the Big Bang as a singular event that occurred in an isolated space, the concept of nested creations offers a different perspective.

In the entirety, a Big Bang does not need to occur in a pre-existing void. Instead, it happens in the spaces between existing universes. As universes expand and their boundaries become more diffuse, they create regions where energy and matter can concentrate. These regions, rich in potential, become the birthplaces of new universes.

This process of nested creation means that new universes are constantly being born within the structure of the entirety itself. The Big Bang is not a singular, isolated event but one of many such events, each giving rise to a new universe. These Big Bangs are triggered by the interactions and collisions between expanding universes, where the energy and matter from multiple sources coalesce to create something entirely new.

Cosmic Stirring: The Trigger for Big Bangs

So, what triggers these Big Bangs? The answer lies in the concept of cosmic stirring—a dynamic process that occurs when universes collide or interact. As these expanding universes come into contact, their overlapping boundaries create regions of intense energy concentration. This energy, gathered from the diluted matter of the colliding universes, reaches a critical point, leading to the explosive birth of a new universe.

This cosmic stirring is not a one-time event but a continuous process. As long as universes are expanding and interacting, new Big Bangs will continue to occur. This process ensures that the entirety remains dynamic and ever-evolving, with no end to the creation of new realities.

The Endless Cycle of Creation

One of the most fascinating aspects of this concept is the idea of an endless cycle of creation. In the entirety, there is no beginning or end—only constant evolution. As universes expand and collide, they give rise to new universes, which then expand and continue the cycle. This eternal process means that creation is always happening, with no final destination or ultimate collapse.

This view challenges the traditional scientific model of a singular Big Bang followed by a one-way expansion. Instead, it suggests that the entirety is a self-sustaining system, where creation is an intrinsic part of its nature. The endless cycle of expansion, dilution, and new creation ensures that the entirety remains full of life and potential, with no voids or dead ends.

Philosophical Implications: Understanding the Entirety

Philosophically, it raises questions about the nature of existence and the role of creation in the cosmos. If creation is an endless process, what does that say about the purpose of the universe and our place within it? Are we merely observers of this grand cycle, or do we play a more active role in the unfolding of the entirety?

To answer this, we must keep in mind that what I am explaining here is the tangible part of the entirety. The intangible aspect, which exists before or between these two ‘walls of time,’ or what I refer to as the concept of ‘Ultimate Zero,’ also comes into play.

Understanding the entirety in all its three forms—tangible, Ultimate Zero, and intangible—provides a more comprehensive answer to the profound questions that have puzzled humanity for eons: Who are we? Why are we here? Where did we come from? Where will we go? What is all this around me? Who are you and I differently? And so on…

The Tangible Aspect:

  • The tangible part of the entirety is what we can observe, measure, and understand through empirical science and rational thought within our universe, which exists in the same entirety with countless other universes. Empirical science often, without sufficient evidence, anticipates that if there is any other universe, the physical laws there could be different. In contrast, I propose that the laws of physics are the same across the entirety, unless misconstrued—because all universes in the entirety follow the same fundamental rules of emergence and dilution. In the tangible side of the entirety, we observe the field of expanding universes, cosmic collisions, and the dynamic process of continuous creation. These processes, despite not directly emerging from Ultimate Zero or the intangible entirety, remain intact and unchanged, complying with the inherent order of the tangible form of entirety.

Ultimate Zero:

  • Ultimate Zero represents the core essence, the ultimate source or destination that transcends both the tangible and intangible. It’s the state of absolute stillness and potential, where time and space transcend from tangible to intangible or vice-versa. Ultimate Zero is the door of existence, a conceptual “ground zero” of existence.

The Intangible Aspect:

  • The intangible aspect represents the divine forces, energies, and potentialities that exist beyond our immediate perception as the core of the entire creation—those that precede or lie between the tangible manifestations. It’s the realm of possibilities, where the seeds of new universes are sown, and where the essence of existence itself begins to take shape before becoming observable.

A Befitting Answer:

  • By understanding these three forms of the entirety, one gains insight into the deeper truths of existence. The tangible explains the “how” of the universe, the mechanisms and processes that drive creation and evolution. The intangible hints at the “why,” the underlying forces and energies that shape reality. Ultimate Zero answers the “what”—the fundamental nature of existence, the origin and destination of all things.

In this holistic view, we are not merely passive observers of the universe but active participants in the unfolding of the entirety. Our consciousness, actions, and understanding all contribute to the grand cycle of creation and evolution. The entirety, in all its forms, invites us to explore not just the physical universe but the deeper, more profound questions of existence, offering a path to understanding who we truly are and our place within this boundless reality.


The Location of the Big Bang

Returning to the young man’s question—where did the Big Bang happen? The answer, in the context of the entirety, is that the Big Bang is not confined to a single location or moment in time. Instead, it is an ongoing event, occurring wherever the conditions are right within the dynamic fabric of the entirety. It happens within the diluted spaces between existing universes, in the regions where universes collide and interact.

The Big Bang is not just a singular origin point but a continuous process of creation that has no beginning or end. It is the result of cosmic stirring—a dynamic, eternal process that ensures the entirety remains full of life and potential. In this view, the Big Bang is happening everywhere, all the time, as part of the infinite cycle of creation within the entirety.

This perspective not only answers the question of where the Big Bang happened but also opens up new possibilities for understanding the nature of existence itself. It invites us to look beyond our own universe and consider the infinite potential of the entirety—a boundless, ever-evolving system of interconnected realities.

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