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E = č²(0)1

by Kalishwar Das

E‘ is Entirety in physical domain which can be expressed as ‘Hat-C Squared’ (č²), –symbolizing in infinite spatial expansion bound to zero time (0), This state renders a cosmic void that paradoxically holds a unique value of one (1) representing Divinity as an immovable physical reality from where nothing can escape.

Entirety is the totality of existence, encompassing all that is, was, and potentially could be, both before and beyond the Big Bang.

Cosmological Constant ‘Λ’ in ∑=č²(0)1?


Use of Cosmological Constant ‘Λ’ in E=č²(0)1?

by Kalishwar Das


Recently, during a debate in a Science Forum, I encountered a question that piqued my interest: “What if (0)1 in your formula is replaced by the cosmological constant ‘Λ‘ (\Lambda?” This reflection leads to the intriguing possibility of incorporating ‘Λ‘ (\Lambda into my own work, specifically within the formula =č²(0)1. But should such a substitution be made, and if so, how would it alter the foundational concepts of entirety and reordering that my theory seeks to explore? This is what I am addressing today in this blog.

Since this topic was not discussed in my extended version of book or in Thesis and not even included in my Copyright contents so, this question demanded a thoughtful response, particularly in the context of historical scientific developments. Don’t forget that when Albert Einstein introduced the cosmological constant ‘Λ in his equations to explain the ‘static universe’, he later referred to it as his “biggest blunder.”

Einstein’s assumption of a static universe was indeed incorrect, and if his energy equation (E=mc²) was based on this assumption, then it, too, could be considered flawed. However, his equation has been validated in the context of a vacuum, which, while not representing the entirety of the cosmos (=č²(0)1), is a significant component of it. This context allowed the equation to escape debunking, as it was not wholly representative of the universe but rather a specific, limited part of it.

So, in my view, Einstein’s introduction of the cosmological constant was not a blunder but rather a visionary step, albeit one made with incomplete information. Cosmological science during his era was not advanced enough to fully appreciate the implications of Λ\Lambda, especially in light of later discoveries about the universe’s expansion and dark energy. His deep comprehension of the universe’s complexities was far ahead of his time, and the cosmological constant was an essential, albeit premature, insight.

As you know, Lambda (λ) is a versatile symbol with various meanings across different disciplines, including wavelength in physics, eigenvalues in mathematics, parameters in statistics, functions in computer science, and more. In cosmology, lambda (Λ) often refers to the cosmological constant, a term introduced by Einstein in his field equations of general relativity. It is associated with the energy density of space or dark energy, which is responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe.

Einstein’s use of this cosmological constant was, in fact, a profound insight, albeit one that was ahead of its time. Cosmological science, during his period, lacked the advancements we now have, which meant that his ideas were not fully understood or appreciated. The concept of ‘Λ was correctly utilized but without the precise context that later discoveries in dark energy and the expansion of the universe would provide.

In the realm of theoretical physics and cosmology, the exploration of fundamental concepts often leads to intersections between established scientific principles and emerging theories. My work on the Theory of Entirety, encapsulated in the formula =č²(0)1, represents an effort to describe the totality of existence. Here, ‘∑’ signifies the entirety or totality, ‘č²’ introduces a unique proportional constant related to the speed of light squared (an infinite cosmic speed), and ‘(0)1′ reflects a reordering process that intertwines zero time and a unique cosmic void.

But what happens when we consider introducing the cosmological constant ‘Λ’ (\Lambda into this equation? The cosmological constant, famously integrated into Einstein’s field equations, represents the energy density of empty space, often associated with dark energy driving the accelerated expansion of the universe.

Preserving the Original Concept

The original expression =č²(0)1 is more than just a mathematical formulation; it embodies a profound philosophical and cosmological concept. Here, ‘0′ and ‘1′ aren’t mere numbers; they symbolize zero time and a unique cosmic void, respectively. Together, they reflect a dynamic process of reordering within the entirety, emphasizing the distinct and finite within the infinite.

Substituting (0)1 with Λ (\Lambda would undoubtedly anchor the theory in the context of contemporary cosmology, particularly relating to the expansion of the universe. However, it risks oversimplifying or even losing the original depth of meaning tied to time and void. The original formula captures a unique aspect of existence that goes beyond conventional physical constants.

The Role of the Cosmological Constant

Rather than replacing ‘(0)1′, the cosmological constant ‘Λ’ can be introduced as a complementary argument within the broader framework of the Theory of Entirety. By doing so, we can explore how the accelerated expansion of the universe, driven by dark energy, might interact with the concept of entirety without diminishing the foundational principles.

For example, consider the following expanded formulation:

∑=č²(0)1+f(Λ) OR ∑ = č²(0)1 + f(\LambdaΛ)

In this context, f(Λ) [f(\LambdaΛ)] could represent a function or influence that the cosmological constant exerts on the entirety. This approach allows for a nuanced interpretation where Λ (\Lambda contributes to the totality of existence without redefining the core elements of reordering and the cosmic void.

Conceptual Integration

By integrating the cosmological constant in this complementary manner, the Theory of Entirety can engage with current cosmological phenomena, providing new insights into how the universe’s expansion relates to the deeper fabric of existence. It opens the door to exploring the interplay between the known physical universe and the more abstract principles of reordering that the Theory of Entirety introduces.

This integration also highlights the flexibility of the theory, allowing it to encompass both the tangible and the abstract, the measurable and the philosophical, without sacrificing its original intent.


Conclusively, the potential inclusion of the cosmological constant Λ within the formula ∑=č²(0)1 provides an exciting opportunity to bridge the gap between contemporary cosmology and the deeper metaphysical questions that the Theory of Entirety seeks to address. By treating Λ as a complementary element rather than a replacement, we preserve the integrity and depth of the original concept while also embracing the potential for new interpretations and insights.

The journey to understand the totality of existence is a continuous one, where established scientific principles and innovative theories must coalesce to offer a more profound understanding of our entirety, where our expanding universe exists for the next cosmological order to come to be complied mandatorily. I find myself tying these scientific explorations with my Agamic experience, particularly with the concept of ultimate zero. In this context, I perceive entirety as a constant entity, timelessly existing yet creating the illusion of linear time in our current side, where we, in our universe, exist—often confused, curious, and intrigued.

Encouragement fuels my pursuit of knowledge, and if I am given the same opportunities as anyone else, I am confident that I can not only explain the concept of the wall of time through my NeuroSynergy project but also bring it to life digitally, allowing everyone to witness it on their screens. This approach opens the door to endless possibilities—possibilities that modern science is beginning to assume but has yet to fully understand where to direct its efforts. I recognize that my enthusiasm can sometimes be overwhelming, but it comes with a demand for patience and a great deal of hope.

In this light, the cosmological constant becomes not just a number but a bridge between the known and the unknown, the finite and the infinite, the universe and the entirety. It serves as a key to unlocking new realms of understanding, connecting the tangible with the abstract, and the measurable with the immeasurable.

I hope my response has adequately addressed the question posed to me. If anyone has any doubts or further questions regarding my equation of Entirety, expressed as E=č²(0)1, please feel free to post your inquiries here or in any of global science groups where I am proudly affiliated with.

Thank you so much.

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