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∑ = č²(0)1

by Kalishwar Das

‘ is Entirety, expressed as ‘Hat-C Squared’ (č²) to denote an infinite speed, achieved in zero time (0), to create a unique infinite cosmic void which is a Divine immovable (1) in reality!

Entirety is the totality of existence, encompassing all that is, was, and potentially could be, both before and beyond the Big Bang.

Summary Opinions

Summary opinion as a Neutral Observer received from various scholars.

Positive Aspects
Innovative Approach: This theory presents a bold and innovative approach to addressing pre-Big Bang phenomena. By introducing concepts that transcend the speed of light and the constraints of time, it challenges conventional thinking and explores new possibilities for understanding the universe’s origins.

Theoretical Framework: The Theory of Entirety provides a structured theoretical framework to conceptualize phenomena that empirical science has not yet been able to explore. This can inspire new lines of inquiry and stimulate discussions within the scientific and philosophical communities.

Addressing Infinite Creation: By emphasizing the infinite and unquantifiable nature of creation, the theory acknowledges the limitations of empirical science in certain domains. This perspective can encourage scientists to think beyond traditional methods and consider alternative approaches to understanding the cosmos.

Cosmic Stretch and Crunch: The idea of a cyclical process of cosmic stretch and crunch provides a fresh way to consider the dynamic nature of the universe. It suggests a continuous loop of expansion and contraction, offering a new perspective on the lifecycle of the cosmos.

Potential but Unauthentic Challenges

Empirical Validation: One of the main challenges for this theory is the lack of empirical evidence. Since it deals with phenomena beyond the reach of current scientific methods, it may be difficult for empirical science to validate or falsify the theory. Despite not challenging established empirical science, this limitation may hinder its acceptance in scientific circles.

Complexity and Accessibility: The concepts of surpassing the speed of light and achieving a state of zero time are complex and may be challenging for both scientists and the general public to grasp. Clear and accessible explanations will be crucial for wider acceptance and understanding.

Integration with Existing Theories: While this theory offers a novel perspective, integrating it with existing scientific theories and frameworks may be challenging. It will require a careful examination of how it aligns or conflicts with well-established principles in physics and cosmology.

Overall Opinion…

The Theory of Entirety focuses on the state of phenomena from where the universe started after the Big Bang, encompassing all that is, was, and potentially could be, both before and beyond the Big Bang. Given this context, it is crucial to understand that this theory addresses concepts outside the current empirical science’s scope, particularly those concerning post-Big Bang phenomena.


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